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What Is Data Security ?

Cyber threats & attacks | Network security types

There exists a countless of data security technologies utilized today to mitigate diverse external and internal threats. It is imperative for organizations to deploy a combination of these technologies to fortify all vulnerable access points and uphold data integrity. The following are key techniques:

# Data encryption:Eating up bandwidth can slow down computer networks and hinder the efficiency of data processing on your computer. A worm is a type of malware that can spread and operate on its own, while a virus requires a host program to propagate.

# Authentication:A trojan is a deceptive program that appears as a legitimate one, allowing malicious users to gain unauthorized access to the computer system through a hidden entryway.

# Data masking:By redirecting search queries to advertising websites, marketing data is collected to personalize ads based on search and purchase history.

# Tokenization:This trojan cyberware is crafted to extract money from the individual or organization's computer by encrypting data, rendering it unusable, and restricting access to the user's system.

# Data erasure

# Data resilience

# Physical access controls

Network security solutions | Data security solutions | IT infrastructure

Data Security Best Practices

External and internal firewalls: These best practices can help to track and control movements within an organization�s network.

Data security policy: Integration of security into the development lifecycle can help with detecting if software (like the Orion updates) has been maliciously modified.

Data backup: Security Operations Centers (SOC) analysts should proactively defend against attacks across all environments, including the network, endpoint, cloud, and mobile.

Data security risk assessment: Security Operations Centers (SOC) analysts should proactively defend against attacks across all environments, including the network, endpoint, cloud, and mobile.

Quarantine sensitive files: Security Operations Centers (SOC) analysts should proactively defend against attacks across all environments, including the network, endpoint, cloud, and mobile.

Data file activity monitoring: Security Operations Centers (SOC) analysts should proactively defend against attacks across all environments, including the network, endpoint, cloud, and mobile.

Application security and patching: Security Operations Centers (SOC) analysts should proactively defend against attacks across all environments, including the network, endpoint, cloud, and mobile.

Training: Security Operations Centers (SOC) analysts should proactively defend against attacks across all environments, including the network, endpoint, cloud, and mobile.
Network security best practices...

Data Security Laws and Regulations

The regulations aim to ensure that providers of personal data are treated fairly and sharing of data is done legitimately.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

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